CEO Michael Monte and Director of Real Estate Development, Miranda Lescaze led a tour of the progress at 10th Cavalry Apartments in Colchester. Along with representatives from the Vermont Housing Finance Agency and Evernorth, the group included HUD Adrianne Todman, Senator Peter Welch, and Representative Becca Balint.

Fort Ethan Allen, South End of Barracks [1909]. Photo credit: Vermont Historical Society
This project holds added significance due to the historic nature of the property. In the early 20th century, the site served as the barracks to the 10th Cavalry, also know as the “Buffalo Soldiers,” one of the first peacetime U.S. Army regiments made up of all Black soldiers after the Civil War.
10th Cavalry Apartments is funded through a mix of state and federal funding made available through partner organizations including the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, Vermont Housing Finance Agency, Neighborworks America and the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development.