The Champlain Housing Trust’s Board of Directors passed the following resolution June 3rd:
WHEREAS George Floyd was killed by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota which is just the latest act of violence against black and brown people in the United States; and
WHEREAS racial inequality is rooted in our nation’s history of slavery and structurally maintained by public policy, and especially in housing and community development programs that have created and sustained segregation; and
WHEREAS no place in America is free from our past and no place in America is safe for people of color; and
WHEREAS white privilege is real, and black lives matter; and
WHEREAS the Champlain Housing Trust develops and stewards land and affordable housing for use by the community and one quarter of the residents in CHT homes are people of color; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Champlain Housing Trust Board of Directors declares that we stand with the black and brown people of our country seeking justice. We mourn with them and we share their righteous anger and demands for justice. We commit CHT to working with others to create a future with equity at its core.